smilner reported a new issue against the project: `atomic-wg` that you are following: `` As part of the work to start github->docker hub autobuilds for system containers we will need a GitHub which will give link to a docker hub account. Are there specific accounts already available which would make sense to reuse? Do we need to create accounts specific to auto building for both GitHub and docker hub?
I tend to believe we should avoid a specific human account tied to this but instead use a service account.
Reference: ``
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smilner added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` /cc @jberkus @dustymabe @jasonbrooks @giuseppep @walters ``
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smilner added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` **bump** ``
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smilner added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` Adding ``meeting`` tag as we need to get this figured out before we can actually implement what we noted in our public blog post last year. ``
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miabbott added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` @dustymabe will update the member list of the projecatomic org on Docker Hub as a first step ``
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The issue: `Identify users for docker hub auto builds for system containers` of project: `atomic-wg` has been assigned to `dustymabe` by miabbott.
The issue: `Identify users for docker hub auto builds for system containers` of project: `atomic-wg` has been reset by dustymabe.
dustymabe added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` I have talked with existing people who have access and new people who requested access. The changes are:
``` Removed access:
cdrage by request jberkus by request nhripps by request aweiteka by request goern no response - default to remove vpavlin no response - default to remove
Current people with access:
jlebon dustymabe stevemilnerrh gscrivano jasonbrooks sanja - when she gives me a username.
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The status of the issue: `Identify users for docker hub auto builds for system containers` of project: `atomic-wg` has been updated to: Closed as Fixed by dustymabe.