Here's the current situation. The code is ready. We need to review it properly, that will cause slight changes (already happening for Tim's patch). Once the reviews are ready, we need to merge it (that shouldn't be a problem) and test it properly.
Josef is ill. Vita is preparing for state exam. That leaves all the work up to me and Tim, and maybe James if he has some spare time. James, I think you have some machine with setup similar to our production server, where you can have the code running for a few days, right? That would help with the testing stage.
Tim, before we reach the testing stage, I would like to discuss with you what the current process should be like. I've seen your patch and it's much shorter and isolated (not impacting many files) than the pretty patch, so I would like to merge it first. Provided that you are able to make the required changes (according to the review) in the following few days. In the meantime I can continue testing pretty patch, polishing HTML output or start creating documentation. Once your patch is merged, we will both work on reviewing pretty patch [1] and merging it. Then the final testing begins. Does it sound like a plan? Other ideas?
[1] I'll probably try to load the pretty patch into reviewboard as well. Even though it's quite large and it will load really long, it's probably easier to read and to discuss particular lines than using git diff.