Hi Tomas,
thanks for working on this. I took a look at the app and I have a few minor comments:
- Adam Williamson mentioned a while ago that it would be worthwhile to
talk to the design team [1]. They might have input on what can be done to make the gui more user friendly. Although that would require you to have a clear image of what features the app is supposed to have.
That's a really good idea. I'll contact someone from the design team when more features will be implemented so they will got some solid idea what is going on.
- It would be useful that clicking on bugs and test cases would open them
in a browser.
- Kamil suggested that it might be interesting to filter packages that contain
.desktop file and display icons of those packages. These icons would install the package on click.
Sounds good. I'll try to implement this in the near future.
Hope that helps. I am sure Tim Flink will have a lot of suggestions to provide. From what I saw you have done a lot of work on this, thanks!
Thank you for the feedback.
I'll inform about any additional progress here on the autoqa-devel mailing list (or check out my github).