>I think so, but I'm wondering if getting emails immediately when a test
>fails would be helpful instead of waiting until the next digest was sent.


>Do you think that receiving emails as a digest would be better than
>receiving emails deemed "important" as soon as they are generated and
>getting far fewer "PASSED" noise emails?

Indeed. Getting six emails saying "Yes, this works." is rather useless, to
me, especially when the sixth contains all the info in the previous five.


The email bellow is for Anaconda. It contains everything that was in the
previous four emails I have received from Bodhi on this particular package.
Just the one would have been fine.

The following comment has been added to the anaconda-15.31-1.fc15 update:

autoqa - 2011-05-11 05:45:40 (karma: 0)
AutoQA: upgradepath test PASSED on noarch. Result log:
(results are informative only)

To reply to this comment, please visit the URL at the bottom of this mail

Update ID: FEDORA-2011-6638
Release: Fedora 15
Status: testing
Type: bugfix
Karma: 3
Request: stable
Bugs: 702603 - FormatCreateError: ('format failed: 1', '/dev/mapper
: /vg_kralik-LogVol01')
: 699923 - livecd doesn't have /var/log/dmesg
: 700085 - iSCSI login dialog allows unselecting all
: devices and continuing - unable to login to any iSCSI
: devices after
Notes: This update fixes the memory requirement dialog and enforces the
: minimum btrfs filesystem size on partitions of that
: type. This update fixes a problem with reporting bugs
: on live installs and a bug with iSCSI.
Submitter: clumens
Submitted: 2011-05-06 19:03:25
Comments: bodhi - 2011-05-06 19:03:49 (karma 0)
This update has been submitted for testing by clumens.

bodhi - 2011-05-07 15:05:02 (karma 0)
This update has been pushed to testing

filiperosset (proventesters) - 2011-05-07 23:33:45 (karma 0)
Not tested.

jlaska (proventesters) - 2011-05-09 19:33:12 (karma 1)
filiperosset - Note, no comment is needed if you don't
test an update. I tested the proposed update with
custom-built x86_64 boot.iso. Works good for
installation here.

adamwill (proventesters) - 2011-05-09 20:40:41 (karma 1)
straight through live install in a vm works.

bodhi - 2011-05-09 20:40:41 (karma 0)
Critical path update approved

jdulaney (proventesters) - 2011-05-09 22:00:15 (karma 0)
not tested

rhe (proventesters) - 2011-05-11 05:30:54 (karma 1)
Default install passed.

bodhi - 2011-05-11 05:30:57 (karma 0)
This update has reached the stable karma threshold and
will be pushed to the stable updates repository

autoqa - 2011-05-11 05:45:40 (karma 0)
AutoQA: upgradepath test PASSED on noarch. Result log:
og (results are informative only)
