After the first botched attempt, I think that I got the merge done correctly without any differences to master or the new stable this time.
If for some reason, you're interested - the code is up in the same github repo as before:
Instead of handling all the merge conflicts by hand, I found a vim plugin for git (fugitive) that made the process a lot easier and less vulnerable to human error:
There is even a vimcast covering git merge resolving with fugitive:
Anyhow, it was more of an academic exercise at this point. The history is preserved after merge if you follow a specific file (git log --all --follow autoqa.spec for example). I captured that data for the fedorahosted repo [1] and my github repo [2]. Unfortunately, the graphs look horrible in either vim or firefox due to the way they're formatted but they look fine if you cat the files.
I took screenshots of the git log graph for both the fedorahosted repo [1] and my github repo [2] (note that for the github graph, origin is github and upstream is fedorahosted). They do look different but I think that I created them the same way (QGit, same top and bottom).
[1] [2] [3] [4]