Hi folks! Earlier today, a few of us met to continue discussions about coordinating for an Outreachy intern in Summer 2020 for Badges. Below are some of the notes from our meeting (also available in a Google Doc):
* Need to answer our two research questions from last call: * Can we migrate existing data to Badgr? * Need fedora-messaging data to talk to Badgr * Chat with abompard about fedora-messaging * Example of fedora-messaging middleware: * https://pagure.io/discourse2fedmsg * Need to generate tasks for application period * Reading docs about Fedora infrastructure * Setting up the dev environment (tahrir? badgr-server?) * Installing fedora-messaging locally and publish a test message * Add test badge (using Fedora design assets) to local badgr-server * Action items: * @Justin: Reach out to Concentric Sky about upstream collaboration for migrating Fedora Badges * @Misc: Validation about fedora-messaging and Badgr API (reaching out to abompard) * @Marie: Submit project proposal to mentored-projects Pagure and send to laura abbott * @all: Get final reviews / +1’s on proposal