Hi Badgers!
I saw this thread on the Infrastructure mailing list and I was confused. Does Tahrir/Badges still need a lead maintainer? I was under the impression Xavier volunteered. I wanted to make sure everyone is on the same page (see the excerpt below).
Does anyone know anything more? Is Badges at risk of being dropped past 2020?
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: CPE Weekly Update: 2019-10-25 Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 23:50:57 +0100 From: Aoife Moloney amoloney@redhat.com Reply-To: Fedora Infrastructure To: infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone,
Welcome to week four of the CPE Weekly Updates!
/Background:The Community Platform Engineering group is the Red Hat team combining IT and release engineering from Fedora and CentOS. Our goal is to keep core servers and services running and maintained, build releases, and other strategic tasks that need more dedicated time than volunteers can give./
/ /
/For better communication, we will be giving weekly reports to the CentOS and Fedora communities about the general tasks and work being done. /
*_Maintainers Needed:_* *_ _* *- Tahrir: *If you would like to volunteer to maintain this app, please let us know by 2019-12-31!
*- Tahrir-api: *If you would like to volunteer to maintain this app, please let us know by 2019-12-31!