On 02/26/2014 11:01 PM, Dan Callaghan wrote:
Excerpts from Nick Coghlan's message of 2014-02-27 13:53:23 +1000:
On 02/27/2014 01:48 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
The simplest resolution I have been able to come up with is the 

1. Add a "base_distro" context variable in the kickstart rendering. By
default, this is the same as "distro".
2. Update the kickstart snippets to use base_distro rather than distro
3. Add an optional "base_distro" field to our distro records. If that is
set, base_distro in the template rendering context is to that rather
than yo the same thing as distro.

It occurs to me that this approach would need another tweak: allowing
Distro entries to be created directly, since you would still want to be
able to say that CentOS7 (for example) was derived from
RedHatEnterpriseLinux7, even if you didn't have an RHEL 7 trees loaded
into your Beaker instance. I'm open to other ways to tackle the problem
that would avoid needing to do that, though.
Everywhere you say "distro" you mean "OS major" (a.k.a. "distro 

But yes, that seems like a viable solution although as you noted it will 
require some UI work.

I assume we would want to use the "base OS major" when checking excluded 
families and install options as well -- that will make things easier for 
system owners. Instead of updating their exclusions and install options 
for RedHatEnterpriseLinux7 and every single derivative that comes along, 
they would only need to do it once.

Beaker-devel mailing list

Hey Guys,

I've already run into this on the huntsville instance of beaker.  I submitted a custom kickstart for RHSA-2.0-20140225.0 and anaconda complained that I was missing %end sections in my kickstart. 

What time frame are you guys thinking for making the above changes?  Should I create a patch that updates these snippets to handle OSMajor

RedHatServerforARMDevelopmentPreview2?  I'm been told that will stay consistent for the length of the preview.
