2013/10/11 Ramilton Costa Gomes Júnior <ramilton_costa@hotmail.com>
Em 11-10-2013 13:03, Marcel Ribeiro Dantas escreveu:

Hello there,

I'm writing this message in English so that everybody can understand it perfectly.
For those who can not speak English, please make use of Google Translate.

Fedora Project paid for two rooms, four beds each. Unfortunately, some people said that would go, then decided not to. Others said they would be with us, but then said they wouldn't anymore. Maybe we calculated it wrong, maybe not. The thing is that Fedora Project paid for 8 beds and we had 7 people. If Eduardo leaves, it will be 6.

I *do* think Fedora people should stay together. There will be a bus for going to the event from the Fedora hotel and coming back to. I'm sure the organization will understand if Eduardo stays with us, after all this was a misunderstanding. I do think fedoras should stay together.

If there is an issue about going from the airport to the hotel, Juan, a local fedora, maybe will be able to pick us up. If not, depending on the amount of money to go from the airport to the hotel, I think we could save some money to pay it. I will arrive a few hours after Eduardo. If he can wait me, I will pay our taxi to the hotel, in case Juan can't.

Best regards,
Concordo com o Marcel,

Lembrando que tem o serviço do hotel em pegar no aeroporto por 15 reais por dia sendo vôo diurno e 20 reais para vôo norturno, não sei o valor do taxi.

Pronto. Se for esse o problema, eu pago.

Marcel Ribeiro Dantas,
Biomedical Engineering Researcher at LAIS
Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Healthcare (LAIS-HUOL)

mribeirodantas at fedoraproject.org
mribeirodantas at lais.huol.ufrn.br

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