Ficou show o seu wallpaper, Jayme. Acho que o da Mo vai ser o default, está muito legal. Já o cavalo é a coisa mais gay que já vi, me faz lembrar as bolhas do FC5. Aquelas engrenagens... pffff
Henrique "LonelySpooky" Junior
"In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?!"


De: Jayme Ayres <>
Enviadas: Terça-feira, 4 de Agosto de 2009 12:56:05
Assunto: [Fedora-mktg-brazil] Wallpaper empacotado

Olá a todos,

O meu wallpaper foi empacotado como extra na versão Alpha hoje pelo
Martin Sourada, vamos ver se ele entra na versão oficial do F12.
Aqui [1] estão todas as propostas que serão avaliadas e inseridas na
próxima versão.
Segue a mensagem original.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin Sourada <>
Date: 2009/8/4
Subject: [Design-team] [F12 Artwork] Constantine backgrounds packages
To: Fedora Design List <>

Hi all,

I've just put together initial packages containing the Constantine
wallpapers I consider (based on the feedback we received) to be "worth"
putting in for Alpha. There is constantine-backgrounds package [1] which
contains tatica's mocaico and Mo's and Nicu's underwater mosaic, both as
slide-show (switching between those two once twice per hour) and
separately. Next there is constantine-backgrounds-extras package [2]
which contains Samuele's 4flowers and 4horses, Jayme's Constantine
Statue, Charlie's bird mosaic and tatica's pruebas and freedom. I've
created 16:10 and 4:3 versions for all the included images in 1600x1000,
resp. 1600x1200 resolution.

The desire is to select one of those two in constantine-backgrounds to
be the F12's default, and in the extras package we'll put four selected
designs, chosen from either the two packages or from external sources.

If these packages are OK with everyone -- I'd especially like people to
test it on 4:3 screens as I have only 16:10 and to check if I hadn't
omitted some popular design -- I'll submit them for inclusion in Fedora.



design-team mailing list

Jayme Ayres

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