Obrigado allison por completar. Esses são os codecs utilizados pelo ubuntu david.

Em 23/10/07, Allisson Azevedo < allisson@gmail.com> escreveu:
Só complementando a lista de codecs:

  • gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly

  • gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse

  • gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad

  • gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse

  • gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg

Isso para o gstreamer, fora os que foram citados pelo Cristiano.

Em 23/10/07, Cristiano Furtado < jasonnfedora@gmail.com> escreveu:
São os mesmos que a gente. Utilizam o win32 codecs, para o xine usam o xine-lib-extras-nonfree.

2007/10/23, David Barzilay <barzilay@redhat.com >:
Teríamos que começar verificando as licenças dos codecs multimídia que
os Ubuntanos indicam para os usuários...

Cristiano Furtado wrote:
> uaheuhauehaue rapaz era tudo que eu precisava ler hoje :). Isso é a
> pura realidade david, agora como mostrar isso para users finais é que
> não tenho idéia sabe?
> Eu tenho palestra do dia 5 ao dia 9 de novembro e gostaria de usar
> isso como um bom argumento.
> Padula ve se aproveita algo deste email para sua palestra hoje.
> 2007/10/23, David Barzilay < barzilay@redhat.com
> <mailto:barzilay@redhat.com>>:
>     Galera,
>     Se estávamos procurando contra-argumentos para dialogar com Ubuntanos,
>     aqui está:
>     I was chatting with a large group of highly technical folks from a
>     huge
>     segment of businesses at the Colorado Software Summit last night.
>     Ubuntu came up, and I tried to explain why going with a completely
>     Free
>     distro like Fedora was a better idea if they absolutely didn't want to
>     pay for Linux.  I tried explaining the ethics and community impact of
>     using a distro which included non-Free code and basically got a "who
>     cares" answer.
>     Then I put it in terms that IT managers understood.  I asked "What
>     happens when you are all running Ubuntu, with MP3 and video
>     players and
>     all that cool multimedia stuff installed and some disgruntled employee
>     gets you audited by the SPA?  Now you're liable for $100,000 in fines
>     *per violation* of licensing laws.  What are you going to do?"
>     Stone silence and dropped jaws around the table.
>     Then I explained that Red Hat offers a very reasonably priced
>     corporate
>     desktop with commercial support and no IP violation risk.  I was
>     pretty
>     surprised at how quickly folks started asking questions.  I talked
>     about
>     Fluendo and how they could absolutely use multimedia on RHEL or Fedora
>     and do it safely, legally and inexpensively.
>     I hate scare tactics, but in this case, it's reality.  Corporate users
>     who bring Ubuntu into their environments are going to break the
>     law if
>     they install those multimedia codecs that Ubuntu encourages them
>     to install.
>     p.s.: Lício, desculpe mas é a pura verdade ;))
>     Atenciosamente,
>     --
>     David Barzilay
>     Red Hat
>     Marketing Manager, Brasil
>     Community Relations, Latin America
>     Saiba por que os clientes escolhem e aprovam a Red Hat!
>     http://www.br.redhat.com
>     --
>     Fedora-mktg-brazil mailing list
>     Fedora-mktg-brazil@redhat.com <mailto: Fedora-mktg-brazil@redhat.com >
>     https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-mktg-brazil
> --
> Cristiano Furtado
> Gerente de TI - Projetos de Software Livre
> Embaixador do Fedora no Brasil
> Sites:
> http://www.projetofedora.org
> http://www.jasonnfedora.eti.br
> http://www.fedora.org.br
> http://www.ekaaty.com.br
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Fedora-mktg-brazil mailing list
> Fedora-mktg-brazil@redhat.com
> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-mktg-brazil

David Barzilay
Red Hat
Marketing Manager, Brasil
Community Relations, Latin America

Saiba por que os clientes escolhem e aprovam a Red Hat!

Fedora-mktg-brazil mailing list

Cristiano Furtado
Gerente de TI - Projetos de Software Livre
Embaixador do Fedora no Brasil


Fedora-mktg-brazil mailing list

Fedora-mktg-brazil mailing list

Cristiano Furtado
Gerente de TI - Projetos de Software Livre
Embaixador do Fedora no Brasil
