Hi Guys,
I'm new here, I want join this team and here my detail :
- Name: Prima Yogi Loviniltra
- Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Login: Jurankdankkal
- Profession or Student status: Student
- About Me :
I'm new ambassadors from Indonesia but I'm also interesting to join
Campus Ambassadors.
I'm an Indonesian and moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for high education.
I'm active to contribute and be an Open Source Activist in Indonesia and
Malaysia, for reference here my wiki
- My Reason to Join this Team :
My goal is in line with Campus Ambassadors is promoting Fedora at my
campus and encourage people to use fedora, because Linux not only
Ubuntu, and If here some stuff what I have done :
- I'm the Founder/President for NUMOSS <http://numoss.org/> is an
initiative by students of National University of Malaysia to create
platform where members can learn, discuss and support the open source
philosophy while at the same time boosting the adoption of Open Source
Software in university-setting and nationwide.
- Our default distro to discuss about Open Source is Fedora and about 30
active member, most of them using Fedora
- In our lab, also I already installed all the PC with Fedora 16 (about
20 PC)
- Last semester (September 2011-January 2012) NUMOSS have a class maybe
I can call it Linux training and I teached the NUMOSS member how to using
Linux with Fedora 16, here some detail :
* What is Fedora?
* Linux command in Fedora
* Desktop Environtment in Fedora
* Fedora Packaging (rpm)
* Server Development in Fedora (LAMP and NGINX)
* How to solve some error warning in Fedora (I've post all of it
into my blog <http://yogi.numoss.org/>)
- This september my plan to hold FAD in my campus
I hope I can be a part of you guys, because I want to get myself
officially and gain better credibility when promoting Fedora and
F/LOSS in my campus beside my ambassadors memberships
*Best Regards,*
Fedora Contributor & Ambassadors
*Indonesian guy who live in and love Malaysia*
*M: (6)016 640 0385*
*W: *http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jurankdankkal* <http://numoss.org/>*
*B: **http://yogi.numoss.org/ <http://numoss.org/>*
*A: http://about.me/loviniltra*
*L: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/prima-yogi-loviniltra/44/517/148<http://about.me/loviniltra>
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