Hi gang!
This morning I saw buildr 1.4.0 was available via gem update, so I
went4it. Here are the steps I ran (buildr via gem, rubygems via rpm, F13
gem update (get the new buildr)
sudo yum update (get the new rubygems)
gem cleanup (run a few times to get rid of all the stale stuff)
gem uninstall cucumber (remove them all)
gem uninstall gherkin (remove them all)
gem cleanup
gem install --user-install gherkin -v 1.0.30
gem install --user-install cucumber -v 0.7.3
sit back, relax, and enjoy THE FUTURE
I had to ensure that cucumber 0.7.3 was used because 0.8 requires a
newer version of json_pure than buildr would use. similarly, gherkin
2.0.2 is too new for cucumber 0.7.3