On 06/02/2010 06:58 AM, James Bowes wrote:
On Tue, Jun 01, 2010 at 04:55:11PM -0400, Justin Harris wrote:
Since we are using Guice, it does make sense that we would use it to
create a singleton of the Config, but how does that affect the custom
modules we load in the Config to configure Guice? Is this a chicken
and the egg problem?
Quite possibly, maybe we are overloading the Config class too much?  One possible
solution is to split the config into:

1) Config to get Guice up and running
2) Config component that can be injected into other objects
I'd prefer to just instantiate the config twice rather than complicate
things to work around something that only happens once.

Or, we go whole hog and make classes for each configurable part of

What do you guys think?  Am I overreacting?  :)
See above, and static's aren't always bad.
new Config() sticks out with all the other guiceyness, so I'm all for
changing that. I think static makes sense for a config map, however, as
in the non-testing code, you wouldn't want to be altering any of those

  Typically, in a unix Daemon, kill -1 means reload your config.  So, you would want to reload at that point, possibly by just creating a new instance.
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