Thanks for both testers and developers' hard work on F-13-Final RC validation test events. RC3 were finally tested and the test results are summarized as below. For a detailed results, please refer to the Final RC results page[1].
************************** Installation *****************************
591829 NEW - disabling /dev/loop0 LOOP_CLR_FD failed: 16 585006 NEW - livecd-creator creates i386 and x86_64 ISOs which are larger than indicated by the ISO header 592345 NEW - preupgrade-1.1.6-1.fc12 adds extra spaces to grub.conf, results in failed upgrade 505189 MODIFIED - Going back to repo UI screen and and modifying Installation Repo causes traceback 587627 ON_QA - Kickstart file is not generated when no space for install.img 589250 VERIFIED - iSCSI root install+boot fails in Fedora 13. Latest iscsi-initiator-utils required 590518 CLOSED DUPLICATE - KeyError: <yuminstall.AnacondaYumRepo object at 0x7f459004d7d0> 590640 CLOSED WONTFIX - SystemError: (22, 'Invalid argument') 576082 CLOSED ERRATA - Words did not translate in F13 beta during install 580378 CLOSED RAWHIDE - Crash when no bootloader detected and upgrading a system 591776 ASSIGNED - ‘Space’,‘Enter’, and arrow keys don't work in VNC
************************** Desktop *********************************
The Go/No Go meeting[2] will be held soon to decide if it meets the final release criteria, please keep attention on it.
Many Thanks, Hurry
[1] [2]