(Dev on IBus so cannot type in Chinese.)
Due to urgent personal issues, I will suspend FZM (magazine) project. Sorry if you had been waiting for that. The works of the winners in composition and photography competition, I will post it to this mailing lists after they have granted the permission.
Thank you very much.
Regards, kaio.
On 2010年05月30日 01:16, Caius 'kaio' Chance wrote:
(Dev on IBus so cannot type in Chinese.)
Due to urgent personal issues, I will suspend FZM (magazine) project. Sorry if you had been waiting for that. The works of the winners in composition and photography competition, I will post it to this mailing lists after they have granted the permission.
Thank you very much.
Regards, kaio.
真遗憾,杂志不能刊行。不过如果杂志计划继续,我也会继续支持。(哈哈,本来 还拉了几个人投稿呢)
2010/5/30 汪宇 wangyuwuji@gmail.com
On 2010年05月30日 01:16, Caius 'kaio' Chance wrote:
(Dev on IBus so cannot type in Chinese.)
Due to urgent personal issues, I will suspend FZM (magazine) project.
if you had been waiting for that. The works of the winners in composition and photography competition, I will post it to this mailing lists after
have granted the permission.
Thank you very much.
Regards, kaio.
真遺憾,雜誌不能刊行。不過如果雜誌計劃繼續,我也會繼續支持。(哈哈,本來 還拉了幾個人投稿呢)
I could add you to the repository so you can gradually edit that if you like. :)
Regards, kaio