
On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 9:23 PM Adam Williamson <adamwill@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On Wed, 2018-12-05 at 12:16 -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
> To be clear, I can see why the pipeline might want to *emit a fedmsg on
> its own topic* saying that it ignored a package. What doesn't seem to
> be necessary is to *submit a result to ResultsDB* which looks like
> this:
> https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/resultsdb/results/25608385
> it's kind of a bizarre result, because it sort of looks like a test
> passed, but really it just means...there was no test at all. Why submit
> a 'test result' for a case where nothing was tested?
> I mentioned fedmsgs because I was looking at the fedmsgs *emitted by
> ResultsDB itself* when a result is created (as that's what greenwave is
> using - I was fixing stuff in greenwave). But I'm not suggesting the
> pipeline shouldn't emit messages *on its own topic* when it ignores
> something, just that it shouldn't submit a "test result" to ResultsDB
> when it does that.

Actually, thinking it through a little more, I can guess at a possible
reason: it may be for greenwave policy purposes. Perhaps the idea is
that you can set a rule like "either the pipeline tests must have
passed, or the package must have been ignored"? The idea might be that
this is essentially a way to tell *greenwave* (which consumes fedmsgs
from resultsdb) that the pipeline did not test the package.

I am not aware of any reason to keep in resultsdb ignore packages
really. OSCI does not have any use case for now.

TBH we did not write or contribute much the upstream resultsdb updater, the SUCCESS state
is moreover completely misleading yeah.

Let's just fix upstream resultsdb listener to ignore these, I am creating a PR in:

Best regards,

If so, I kinda get the idea, but it seems like a bit of a hack around a
limitation in greenwave (one I've run into as well, as openQA does not
test all updates, so it's hard to write a greenwave policy for update
tests...), rather than 'the right way to do things'. It doesn't seem
like this has been actually done, either, at least in Fedora, as
Fedora's greenwave policy doesn't have the string 'ignore' in it
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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