On 03/26/2018 05:34 PM, Ari LiVigni wrote:

-== @ri ==-

On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 10:40 AM, Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr> wrote:

For one, I'd need a green light that the allpackages pipeline is running as
expected and ready for production use. Then I'll see to adjust the tools for
this new pipeline.
This does mean we will announce it broadly and that we can expect its load to
increase as more people opt-in.

I agree. Let's make sure it's stable and production ready, then announce it and help people when the inevitable issues and questions arise. :)

Do we want to discontinue the Atomic CI one? I thought the idea was to have both
running (see what I said above about the two pipelines being complementary).

Let's have that discussion when Johnny is back from PTO.  I am fine having both if it makes sense and there is no duplication, which I don't think there is since in the atomic one 

I think both pipelines have merit, since they test different deliverables. I would prefer to keep the Atomic one around, but also have the "regular" one once that is stable.
