On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 10:54 AM, Stef Walter <stefw@redhat.com> wrote:
Looks like Ansible has been chosen as the way we're going to invoke
tests stored in dist-git.


Even for those who voted for alternatives, the good news is that almost
all of both the packaged tests and the autopkgtest style tests can be
wrapped in the Ansible style tests.

I did some work to try out the Ansible proposal and finish it up where
there were rough edges or mysterious parts. I talked about these changes
with Pingou, Ari, and Martin.

If you're interested in the details of what was changed or finished up
in the Ansible proposal:


In addition some examples have been written. In particular, the sed
tests here work both in-situ and against a composed Fedora Atomic host



There'll be more updates to the examples on those pages, including
finishing them up for the standard as it is, and making some parts of
them more Ansibley.

The proposition I proposed hasn't been really reviewed. I don't know the exact process for taking decisions like this but it seems rushed.

I'm insisting on my proposal because that's more a superset of the 2 other propositions than an alternative: you can package your tests or write them in ansible without any problem with the added values of having metadata about the tests like needing a real system, needing root access etc. and also being able to reuse tests from the Debian and Ubuntu communities.
