
New version of the fmf has been released:


The package is available in Fedora and EPEL as well (use testing
repo to get the latest version). Here are some highlights:

    Define metadata tree root
    Support for subcommands
    Fixed inheritance issues

This update introduces some backward-incompatible changes. In
order to clearly define top of the metadata tree root we're now
using a similar approach as git: The top of the tree is defined
by an ".fmf" directory containing version of the format. See the
following two links to learn more:


Also subcommands are now supported to allow more flexibility in
the future. Currently we have these three commands supported:

    fmf ls      List identifiers of available objects
    fmf show    Show metadata of available objects
    fmf init    Initialize a new metadata tree

Want to try out? Experimenting is easy:

    dnf install fmf -y --enablerepo=*-testing
    cd /usr/share/doc/fmf/examples/wget/
    fmf ls

Feedback welcome.
