Hey everyone,

We had another awesome Classroom meeting today. It was titled 'Fedora Classroom 101' and the instructor for the day was Eduard Lucena (x3mboy)

In this session, we discussed Fedora magazine in detail, from pitching to getting it published. Eduard also talked about Fedora onboarding in detail (creating FAS account, CLA +1, wiki pages,  WCIDFF, etc.) I'm pretty sure that this session would have helped (and will help) and a lot of people find their way around in the community. The recordings of this session are on Youtube[1].  (We had technical issues with Jitsi, so the recordings are incomplete)

The next classroom session is scheduled to happen on August 10, 13 UTC :) More info on the wiki page [2].

[1] https://www.youtube.com/user/X3MLinux/videos
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom

Sachin S. Kamath