
I think this is a great idea. I would attend and be happy to  help you in any way I can.

IRC: coremodule

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 12:29 PM, Vipul Siddharth <> wrote:
Good idea Vipul.

I have been following the fedora email threads from quite sometime, though not able to attend classes offline.
one suggestion is to make the sessions online availability as well so that folks like me can attend and learn.
Is there any possibility?

Imo, It would be better to focus on just one (online or offline) sesson at once. 
Online session is more of a demo which doesn't make much sense in person.
If you are thinking on a hands-on then please ping me on irc or off the list :)
I would love to help.
Nick on IRC (freenode): siddharthvipul1

Vipul Siddharth
Intern, Red Hat
Mob: +91 8884300084

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