#131: make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Keywords: meeting -----------------------+--------------------- Our docker image has a repositories file with this in it:
``` {"Fedora-Docker-Base-23_TC1-20150929.x86_64": {"latest": "27653b989fba2fada76e804f4112b87d7b013758e99bbb88a26c070dbcae5962"}} ```
This means that the docker image gets tagged with Fedora-Docker-Base- 23_TC1-20150929.x86_64 when it gets loaded in. Unfortunately if you try to build on top of this image by having a Dockerfile with `FROM Fedora- Docker-Base-23_TC1-20150929.x86_64` then you will get an error because only lowercase letters are allowed in tags of images in a registery:
We should update this so that users can have a better experience.
[1] - //dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/23_TC1/Docker/x86_64/Fedora- Docker-Base-23_TC1-20150929.x86_64.tar.xz
#131: make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by dustymabe):
Ultimately we need the repositories file within the tar archive to contain a valid tag (no uppercase). Right now (we think) this is tied to the file name of the image that is output.
A short term fix for this is to just change the name of the file to be lowercase. We think that can be done in https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/releng/tree/scripts/build-cloud- images#n121 (line 121).
#131: make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by dustymabe):
Upstream issue to get this fixed in imagefactory:
#131: make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by jzb):
Per meeting today on, Ian is on this.
#131: make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag -----------------------+-------------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: maxamillion Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+-------------------------- Changes (by jzb):
* owner: => maxamillion * status: new => assigned
Assigning ticket to maxamillion to follow up with Ian, per discussion in Cloud meeting today.
#131: make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag -----------------------+-------------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: maxamillion Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+--------------------------
Comment (by imcleod):
I have a fix for this upstream, just need to cut a release and get it into updates-testing.
https://github.com/redhat- imaging/imagefactory/commit/11b673d51326ce74b33ea2433f0ffb8bc311baee
#131: make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag -----------------------+-------------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: maxamillion Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+--------------------------
Comment (by jzb):
imcleod reports that this is now in imagefactory/imagefactory-plugins builds in updates-testing for f23, f24, epel6 and epel7
#131: make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag -----------------------+-------------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: maxamillion Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+--------------------------
Comment (by imcleod):
The forced lowercase (along with any number of other enhancements) is now in the stable version of Factory for F23 onwards, as well as epel 6 and 7.
https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-89984db9b4 - as an example
All we need now is for this version to be used when generating the Docker image. This means getting it onto the koji builders.
#131: make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag -----------------------+-------------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: maxamillion Type: task | Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: fixed Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+-------------------------- Changes (by imcleod):
* status: assigned => closed * resolution: => fixed
And, dgilmore has just confirmed that these new packages are deployed. Closing.