On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 10:31, Greg Swift <gregswift@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 16:16, Todd Zullinger <tmz@pobox.com> wrote:
Scott Henson wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 14:37:08 -0600, Greg Swift <gregswift@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all.  This is a patch I put together that might be useful for
>> letting puppet access cobbler using the ext-nodes script without
>> having to move files (binary and config) from your cobbler server
>> to install on your puppet server, most specifically with an RPM.  I
>> made the script search for the config file, so that should help
>> make it work in several use cases.
>> I'm using this script in my environment now, and seems to be more
>> than adequate, however this is just one use case.
> I like it, a couple of things though. Does cobbler-ext-nodes
> actually require puppet? I would think it would be puppet-server
> that makes use of it, and even then, the cobbler-puppet package
> should not require puppet-server, me thinks.

And, just from a packaging perspective, if it doesn't require puppet
or puppet-server, it should also own /etc/puppet, to ensure the dir is
not left around should cobbler-puppet be installed without puppet.
E.g: %dir %{_sysconfdir}/puppet

So in response to both of you.  I guess its reasonable for it to not require puppet-server, although at this point it seems to be more heavily tied to puppet-server (specifically the fact that the cobbler ext node url is puppet and i put the config file in /etc/puppet) than a generic script.  I'm open to ideas on where to adjust so that its less tied.  Would someone using this with puppet not be running it on a system with puppet-server?  I guess it could be considered a reverse dependency, as puppet-server needs this for functionality even though it needs puppet-server for the config directory.

But at the end of the day, whichever way you guys want it, as long as it works, i'm willing to change it to.

So.. I never got a response on this... anyone?