Hey Alan,

I think the best way to go about is to add kopts for a specific distro in the corresponding signatures.
In my opinion; adding stuff like this in code somewhere only adds a maintenance overhead.

Unfortunately i can't confirm if ks.device works on rhel7.


On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 1:29 AM, Alan Evangelista <alanoe@linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:

ksdevice=bootif is a kernel option which tells Anaconda to use the
network interface used during booting for kickstart file download and Linux
installation. bootif is automatically set in x86 systems if "IPAPPEND 2"
kernel option is used. If this ksdevice=bootif option is not set in
systems with multiple network cards, possibly Anaconda will choose a
different network card and ks download will fail.

Commit 020fc84a6eb3d041ea8a7db94edc948a625a00ff removed "ksdevice: bootif"
from default kernel options in cobbler settings but did not replace it with
equivalent kernel options generation code or kernel options in distro
signatures. Am I missing something? Otherwise, I'll submit a patch to fix this.

 - ksdevice was renamed to ks.device in Fedora 17+. Ref: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda_Boot_Options
 - Can anyone confirm if ks.device works in RHEL 7 in x86 systems? I initially thought so, but I'm not sure after reading https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1045361

Alan Evangelista

cobbler-devel mailing list

Jörgen Maas