Yeah you can see that item_system has:

 ["template_remote_kickstarts", "SETTINGS:template_remote_kickstarts", "SETTINGS:template_remote_kickstarts", "", False, "", 0, "bool"]

but there is no set function defined down below....

Is this meant to be included in item_system?  I would guess not.... but I'm not 100% sure.

You can fix the bug by removing the line shown above or probably including the setter function...

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Jonathan Sabo <> wrote:
Has anyone seen this or know the fix?  I'm seeing this when I try and add a system.  This is from the git master code base...

<Fault 1: "exceptions.AttributeError:System instance has no attribute 'set_template_remote_kickstarts

Wed Jan 20 08:32:50 2010 - INFO | REMOTE modify_item(system); user(testing); object_id(___NEW___system::S1mMDBkFwRWEz0FO+7P0Y9HjbZYYIQ06WQ==); attribute(name)
Wed Jan 20 08:32:50 2010 - DEBUG | authorize; ['testing', 'modify_system', <cobbler.item_system.System instance at 0x108d0170>, 'name', True]
Wed Jan 20 08:32:50 2010 - INFO | REMOTE authorization result: True; user(?)
Wed Jan 20 08:32:50 2010 - INFO | Exception occured: exceptions.AttributeError
Wed Jan 20 08:32:50 2010 - INFO | Exception value: System instance has no attribute 'set_template_remote_kickstarts'
Wed Jan 20 08:32:50 2010 - INFO | Exception Info:
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/cobbler/", line 1737, in _dispatch
    return method_handle(*params)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/cobbler/", line 752, in modify_item
    method = obj.remote_methods().get(attribute, None)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/cobbler/", line 86, in remote_methods
    return utils.get_remote_methods_from_fields(self,self.get_fields())
   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/cobbler/", line 1766, in get_remote_methods_from_fields
    ds[name] = getattr(obj,"set_%s" % name)

