To prevent pxe boot loops, you should be sure to include the line $SNIPPET('kickstart_done') in your %post section. Also set pxe_just_once in your settings to 1 (you can edit the file manually and restart cobblerd, or if you're running 2.4.0 you can execute the command "cobbler setting edit --name=pxe_just_once --value=1" - no restart of cobblerd is required when using the command).

After that, once a kickstart completes the netboot-enabled flag for the system will be disabled and it will receive a PXE menu that only has a "local boot" option.

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 5:35 AM, Shekh Tusdiq <> wrote:

I am facing issue with cobbler, its repeating installation booting again by dhcp & repeating the process. i set pxe_boot = 1.

Could you please suggest how to proceed further.

Thanks & Regards

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