Hi Will,

I have updated the signature, could you please try again?
I'm sorry to have caused any annoyance.

On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 3:30 AM, Will Dennis <wdennis@nec-labs.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I just updated my Cobbler installation from 2.4.x to 2.6.1 tonight, then as a part of checking things out, did a "cobbler signature report", which reported "11 breeds with 45 total signatures loaded", and which included Ubuntu Trusty. Then (thinking it was a good idea) I did a "cobbler signature update", which worked, but upon doing another "cobbler signature report", I was surprised to see it now reported "10 breeds with 40 total signatures loaded"!! (One of the signatures now missing is Ubuntu Trusty, which I want...)

Here is a screen cap on Pastebin of the process: http://pastebin.com/YE6mZ95G

So now, two questions:
1) Are the signatures in http://www.cobblerd.org/signatures/latest.json out of date for 2.6?
2) How to recover the missing signatures?


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Jörgen Maas