On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 8:30 AM, Bret Wortman <bret.wortman@damascusgrp.com> wrote:
I'm setting up a new instance and there are devices which currently get their IPs via dhcp, and we want to preserve that, but at this point their OSes aren't ones we're still supporting (but which we don't want to upgrade yet).

How can I make sure cobbler manages their dhcp addresses (I don't want two dhcp servers)? Is there a way to have a profile that doesn't point to a distro?

In theory if you just make an empty distro/profile and don't enable netboot they should be able to be managed via cobbler system entries.

but if that fails and they are going away and you just need to temporary support you can just put their entries in an include file and include that file inside the dhcpd.template file.
