Hi Andrew, 

Many thanks for your clear and specific hints.  We together discovered a bug in 2.4.0 in epel-testing too: that the magic variables in the bundled sample.seed do not take effect:

    30  # Setup the installation source
    31  d-i mirror/country string manual
    32  d-i mirror/http/hostname string $http_server:$http_port
    33  d-i mirror/http/directory string $install_source_directory
    34  d-i mirror/http/proxy string

The --kopts values did the magic of setting the network interface to use during install too.

I deliberated a bit about using the {linux, initrd.gz} in install/netboot/ubuntu-install/amd64 makes sense, since PXE boot is a kind of network install. Regretably, Canonical pays so much attention to the desktop usage scenarios that it fails to mention this requirement anywhere AFAIK.

Now I just need to come up a script to set the hostname, static IP etc, then all are set 8-)

Best Regards,

-- Zack


You can try pointing the preseed file to the proxy using the following entries:

d-i     mirror/http/hostname string <IP or Hostname of the proxy>
d-i     mirror/http/directory string <directory where the repository is>

We currently use the above with our internal mirrors and it works like a charm. I'm not sure about the dnsmasq proxy and if / how it will work for you.

The repos will most likely only be added to the preseed by using a snippet and templating. I'm not totally sure about this so hopefully someone with some more info can help you out here. For a standard cobbler installation your directory setting would be similar to "cblr/ks_mirror/<distro_name>/". 


The preseed file needs to be downloaded before the values in the preseed file can be used but it needs info such as which interface to use to download the preseed file. So you can place the following into the "Kernel Options" on either the profile or the distro in cobbler:

interface=eth0 vga16fb.modeset=0 locale=en_US keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=us

You will mainly be in the "interface=eth0" entry as it will tell the installation to use interface eth0 for the network connection and will in turn allow you to download your preseed file.

