Or repo sync it. Cobbler has a repo which is synced from an internet repo. Needs some disk space. We do this with centos and oracle linux. Cobbler will do the syncing for you. Install cobbler_web and then its more obvious how it works.

Alastair Munro

-----Original Message-----
From: Danko Antolovic <dantolov@iu.edu>
To: cobbler@lists.fedorahosted.org
Sent: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 16:09
Subject: [cobbler] Repository access mechanisms

I am evaluating Cobbler for potential use, rather than using it
actively, so my knowledge of it is superficial. Here is my question:

As far as I can see, a repository can be made available to a target
machine (one that is being built) in two ways:

- by mirroring the repo's contents locally, on the Cobbler server, in
which case the target gets the local repo URL in the ks file, and
accesses it over the local network, one which is used for netboot and
initial installation;

- by not mirroring the repo, where the target receives the actual
(remote) URL of the repo in the ks file, and accesses it via a network
that faces the wider world.

Is it possible to set things up so that the server proxies the repo
contents, i.e. the server talks to the Internet and passes the rpm's to
the target via the local network?  This would be a more secure way to
handle the build, without exposing a half-built machine to the world; at
the same time, it would avoid piling up potentially large mirrored
repositories on the Cobbler server.

Thank you for shedding any light on the subject.

Danko Antolovic

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