Yeah that was my thinking too. I've added it to my todo list, unless someone else wants to take it.

On Oct 14, 2011 9:53 AM, "Chris Ess" <> wrote:
On 10/14/2011 8:10 AM, James Cammarata wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 5:43 AM, Kashif Mohammad
> <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> It may be very basic question. Probably I am getting some thing wrong. I have installed cobbler-2.2.1-1 on a fedora machine. Cobbler check is giving almost no error. But when I try to import
>> cobbler import --path=rsync:// --name=F14
>> task started: 2011-10-14_114038_import
>> task started (id=Media import, time=Fri Oct 14 11:40:38 2011)
>> scanning rsync:// for a redhat-based distro signature
>> *** TASK COMPLETE ***
>> It finishes in seconds and nothing is actually syncd.
> That won't work with the import modules now, I'm not sure if it ever
> worked (even though the documentation says --path can be an rsync
> location). Download the ISO or rsync the files locally, and then point
> --path at that directory.

I can verify that this worked (cobbler import --path=rsync://...) as of
February 2010.  I'm sure I've done it since then but that's the last
time I have an import documented.

>From what I can tell, it looks like the old importer would rsync from
the given path to the local system and then determine the distribution's
breed.  This code is also present in version 2.2.1's
ImportRedhatManager's run() method but I don't think it ever gets that
far.  check_for_signature() expects a local path and it's called in
BootAPI's import_tree() method before run() is.

I think this functionality can be restored if import_tree() handles
downloading trees from remote sources before calling
check_for_signature() in the import modules.

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