On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 10:04 AM, Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com> wrote:
Thomas S Hatch wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com
> <mailto:mdehaan@redhat.com>> wrote:
>     Thomas S Hatch wrote:
>     > I imagine I am overlooking something small and obvious, but I
>     haven't
>     > been able to find it yet.
>     >
>     > I have a bladecenter with 8 core nodes each with 32 gigs of ram,
>     and a
>     > cobbler vm I am provisioning from.  When I execute koan on a
>     blade and
>     > point it to a system with 2048 megs of ram defined on my cobbler
>     > server it installs without problems, but when I point it to a system
>     > with 4096 megs of ram something add happens.  The domain is created,
>     > the hard drive is set up, but the vm fails to start the install.
>     > I have gone into my ssytems and lowered the ram to 2048, and they
>     > work, then I raise the ram back up to 4096 and they don't work.  I
>     > have been looking throught the documentation and the source code for
>     > koan but to no avail.  Does anyone have any idea what might be
>     causing
>     > this?
>     > Please tell me if you want any component of my configuration, json
>     > files, koan commands etc.
>     >
>     You didn't specify what virt type you were using, but it sounds
>     like you
>     need to be using a PAE kernel.
>     _______________________________________________
>     cobbler mailing list
>     cobbler@lists.fedorahosted.org <mailto:cobbler@lists.fedorahosted.org>
>     https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/cobbler
> I am using kvm, and the hosts system is running Fedora 10 64-bit, but
> the libvirt xml files say the arch is i686 for the spawned vms.  My
> distro is 64bit in cobbler (the vms are Fedoa 10 as well).  So I am
> thinking that the arch for the kvms needs to be 64 bit.  I will try to
> get them to spawn 64-bit systems, is this something I need to specify
> in koan as well?  My current koan command(s) look something like this:
> koan -v -T qemu -V mail -s -B br0 -y mail

I should have never added the short options as I can never remember what
they are.   May have to smite those for 2.0 :)

A good list for this type of debugging this type of question is:
http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-virt ... have your guest
creation XML from /var/log/koan ready.

If you want to install a specific system or profile, just use the name
of that profile or system.  There is no arch flag in koan.  You will
want to make sure the arches of your cobbler distros are correct.


cobbler mailing list

Hmm, in qcreate.py, lines 65-72 it seems to tell koan to use the arch that the host system defaults to, rather than attempting to use the arch from the distro paramater in the cobbler config, heck, lines 69 and 70 look particularly interesting to this effect.  I understand the logic used here as well, as qemu can be using any of the 3 backends - processor emulation, kqemu or kvm.  I will try to figure out how to change the system default on the host node and see if I can fix it from there.  I might put together a patch to handle this in a little more elegant fasion (barring the likely truth that I am just missing the big picture!).
Anyway, I am off to fedora-virt!

-Tom Hatch