Whatever DHCP server you use would have to support the next-server field.. if it is set, that is 
the TFTP server that it will go to to fetch the first tarball, in this case it would be the cobbler server.
I am not aware of any feature of cobbler that will automatically sync an external DHCP server 
so you might have to coordinate manually.

When we were using cobbler we were doing all static IP's but we just configured the 
cobbler server to give back the same IP's via DHCP as the machine would have normally, 
and our network guys were OK with that.

Steve Timm

From: cobbler-bounces@lists.fedorahosted.org [cobbler-bounces@lists.fedorahosted.org] on behalf of Matt Luettgen [mattluettgen@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 7:29 PM
To: cobbler mailing list
Subject: Re: [cobbler] use of cobbler

You should be able to have the MS Server relay the DHCP request to the cobbler server (pretty sure its a spec of DHCP) but I do not know how.

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 6:01 PM, johny casanova <pcgamer2426@outlook.com> wrote:

is it possible to use cobbler with using only static IP and no DHCP ? and if i have to use a DHCP can I any DHCP server even an Microsoft Server one ?

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