Dear list,

We have problems using our new Dell Optiplex XE2 models. When I install the OS (Ubuntu 12.04) using our cobbler server, the Xvideo support is disabled and we required that for our applications.

I noticed that the Xvideo support *is* enabled if I simply used the pre-installed Ubuntu 12.04 in the Optiplex units. However, using this "factory" Ubuntu is not an option --I need to be able to reinstall the machine using Cobbler at any given time.

After much investigation, I decided to install an Ubuntu 12.04 version provided by Dell, as indicated here (see "Installation Instructions" below). However, I'm unable to import this image to cobbler, no matter how I tried. It seems like this is not a full Ubuntu image, but I was wondering if I could "add the missing pieces" using the working Ubuntu 12.04 image already in our cobbler server without losing the customizations made by Dell. Does this even make sense? Is there any way of importing such an image in Cobbler?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards
Rubén Pérez Vázquez

Universität zu Köln
Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK)
Weyertal 121, Raum 4.07
D-50931 Köln
✆: +49-221-470-89603