In my previous email, we specify the 'option routers xxxxx' per each network.
When we get the /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf file generated from Cobbler, no 'option routers' is
included. Where does Cobbler find the router info per VLAN?

If we can get the 'option routers' included per each host, the kickstart server setup (ks=) in the grub config file can use the same ip for all VLANs, even
if this isn't the ideal solution.


On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Daniel Kertby <> wrote:

I have setup Cobbler to use DHCP and the cobbler itself resides on multiple VLANs (over a Bond).

My intention is to get the ks=http://<server>/cblr/svc.. to point at the interface if of the Cobbler server
for that VLAN.

When adding a system, --server-override=string can be used but I don't want this to be put on the
cobbler users -- or additional code for fixing that.

My understanding is that the /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template file can be updated to provide the correct
installation server. Is this correct?

My  /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template today contains network definitions, such as (masked):

subnet netmask {
     option routers   ;
     option domain-name-servers xxx,yyy;
     option subnet-mask;
     filename                   "/pxelinux.0";
     default-lease-time         21600;
     max-lease-time             43200;
     next-server      ;       (the IP of the cobbler server for that VLAN)

#for dhcp_tag in $dhcp_tags.keys():
IS unmodified.

I would appreciate the simpliest and cleanest way to keep the traffic within the VLAN without user intervention.

Best Regards,
