On 7/2/14 7:48 AM, Michael Tiernan wrote:
That's interesting, I did some experimenting to see how it behaves and during this, I could see that almost any yumopts you put into place *are* propogated to the json file but then not to the repo file.

My opinion? (Worth nothing.) Yes, it's a bug.

I'm *GUESSING* here but when poking around in the code it looks like the only options it really recognizes here are enabled, priority and gpgcheck=1.

It seems that unless you specifically say 'gpgcheck=1' it just uses 'gpgcheck=0' automatically.
It even says: # FIXME: potentially might want a way to turn this on/off on a per-repo basis

So... I think this runs on both sides of the lines, a bug report because the feature was never implemented. ;)