
I haven wiped the server yet so I will wait some more! =)

I have attached some debug info, let me know if I need to provide you any additional.
The system has not yet been updated using RHN but will mostly be during the day.



On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 11:16 PM, Scott Henson <shenson@redhat.com> wrote:
On Wed, 13 Apr 2011 13:27:25 +0200, Daniel Kertby <kertby@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi again,
> Im still fighting to get it all working! Puh!
> Conclusions so far (could be useful for you developers to know about) from a
> cobbler beginner.
> * Wow, so difficult to get the latest version up and running on RHEL6.
>   No RPMs with 2.1.0, still stuck with the 2.0.10 version.
>    - Anyone know how to get 2.1.0 in on RHEL without dependency    problems?

2.1.0 is a development release. I really wouldn't recommend using it
unless you know what you are doing.

> * cobbler get-loaders failed. Seems to exist a bug id when trying to
>   pull the files from the web behind a proxy. I downloaded the files with
> wget. A time killer trying to get cobbler get-loaders

I believe we fixed this and it should be out whenever I get a moment to
release 2.0.11.

> * cobbler add distro for RHEL6 fails,
>    ....
>    found content (breed=redhat) at /v ...
>    ...
>    Exceptions occured:
>   ...
>    Also a known issue. Some thread indicated a missing
>    https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/ticket/482

Can you get me the complete exception? I've not seen this and I'm
running cobbler on RHEL6 right now. In fact, I don't think I have any
cobbler servers that are not RHEL6.

> So, I really appreciate the time you developers have put into Cobbler.
> As a new user that need to get Cobbler up and running on RHEL6, serving
> RHEL6 and other distros/versions, this trip has been time consuming and has
> really lead to frustration.
> Any clues/hints to get things to work and get a solid/stable setup is VERY
> appreciated, I know Cobbler is the right choice for our business.

Can I see a copy of your settings and modules.conf? Clean them of any
sensitive data as well.

Scott Henson
Red Hat CIS Operator