Sorry, didn't answer your questions in the previous message:

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 13:48, Michael DeHaan <> wrote:
Mykel Alvis wrote:

When I used the technique you described, I get the network alive and kicking but can't seem to get the VMs themselves started.  I don't know if it's an issue with koan starting the vm or with my libvirtd dnsmasq config.

When you say "not started" what happens?
Nothing.  An "Open" in virt-manager appears as a blank black screen with no activity.

I can't seem to see if the koan process is working correctly because the console output from virt-manager is a blank screen. When I use virsh to connect and try to reach the console, it hangs uninterruptedly.  Do you (or anyone) know if this is because the network is still awry or if it is likely to be something else?

If using --nogfx with Xen, virt-manager won't have a screen.  
If not using it with Xen, virsh won't have a screen after Anaconda gets to a certain stage.

With KVM, you should always get just the virt-manager screen

I always have in the past, but not this time.

(Unless you add console kernel parameters in Cobbler... which we need to do by default really).

Check your /var/log/koan for some log data that might be helpful.
Everything appeared to be normal (as far as I can tell) int he koan log.  It informed me of the new machine being created, etc.  Nothing erroneous.