From var/log/cobbler/tasks:

Tue Jul  1 16:1Tue Jul  1 16:18:12 2014 - DEBUG | creating: /var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/local-HP-ServicePackforProLiant-x86_64/.origin/local-HP-ServicePackforProLiant-x86_64.repo

Tue Jul  1 16:18:12 2014 - INFO | running: /usr/bin/reposync -l -n -d --config=/var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/local-HP-ServicePackforProLiant-x86_64/.origin/local-HP-ServicePackforProLiant-x86_64.repo --repoid=local-HP-ServicePackforProLiant-x86_64 --download_path=/var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror -a x86_64

OK ?

The yum options include gpgcheck, gpgkey, and includepkgs
The generated file omits all the options except a gpgcheck=0

If I hand edit the file, inserting the options,
then run the reposync command by hand (not thru cobbler) the options take effect and work.

Cobbler is dropping the options on the floor when it creates the file.

Is it supposed to ? (Feature Request)
or not ? (BUG)

“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”  (Bill Waterson: Calvin & Hobbes)

On Jul 01, 2014, at 04:13 PM, Michael Tiernan <mtiernan@MIT.EDU> wrote:

On 7/1/14 3:40 PM, Dan White wrote:
       > If I add the options to the file and run the reposync command by hand,
       > the options work.
I don't know, so I'm asking to understand better.

What are you expecting to see that is not happening? (Or vice versa?)
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