
It is possible to add an unattend.xml file to the root of a vista iso. The installer will look for this file for an unattended installation. Not sure if this will work for XP, but it should be possible to do some sort of a custom sysprep.


On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com> wrote:
Perry mentioned this
as a way to "kickstart" Windows guests that works better across
different releases of Windows than the unattended.txt files.

Would someone mind taking a look at this and seeing what the reality of
installation is to modify an ISO image to make it "fully automatically
installable"?   If it is possible for a user to generate an ISO and we
have instructions for using it with "cobbler image add" I think this
feature is set.

However, if this requires a extra server or something, we have more work
to do -- such as figuring out how to talk to it over the network.    In
that scenario, looking at more direct integration with the
unattended.net stuff may be a better route.   I'm willing to do this but
would prefer if we can just treat it as any other OS image.   That may
not be the case.


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