
I'm new to this list, I'm new to cobbler too : great tool !

I want to create a system from a non cobbler host through XMLRPC. I followed the wiki and I am ableto create it and to set some scalar value as it is described in https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/CobblerXmlrpc.

But I have to set ks_meta variable that is a sort of dictionary. I tried several ways without success :

COBSERVER.modify_system(cobid, 'ks_meta', "{'ip': '', 'netmask': '', 'hostname': 'blade04', 'gateway': ''}", TOKEN)
COBSERVER.modify_system(cobid, 'ks_meta', 'ip= netmask= hostname=blade04 gateway=', TOKEN)
and the same as above with different quoting styles.

The error message is always the same and seems to be weird :

xmlrpclib.Fault: <Fault 1: "exceptions.NameError:global name '_' is not defined">

By reading the remote.py code, I noted maybe a bug in copy_* function, for example :

    def copy_profile(self,object_id,token=None):
        obj = self.__get_object(object_id)
        return self.api.copy_profile(obj,newname)

It seems that the "newname" parameter is missing.

Thanks for your help !
