On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 9:12 PM, Ravi A <arblr@engineer.com> wrote:
Hi, I am using cobbler-2.4.0-1.el6. I could import "CentOS v6 u3 64bit" as shown below without using "--rsync-flags" with "cobbler import" command. From /var/log/cobbler/cobbler.log during import time, 'rsync -a' requires more time and as a result more "importing" time. I don't want any updates/continuous updates about "CentOS v6 u3" and also don't want any regular/continuous "sync".

I also need few examples about using "--rsync-flags=RSYNC_FLAGS" with "cobbler import" commnad. Kindly do the needful.

Please read the manual in regards to the --available-as option:


The rsync flags are pretty self-explanatory: they are just extra arguments that are passed to the rsync command. The options "-a --progress" are always passed into the rsync command, so please see the man page for rsync to see what other options are available.