I've got several .iso images that I'm trying to import into a new Cobbler instance. When I do this:

# mount -o loop /images/Fedora-17-i386-DVD.iso /distro
# cobbler import --name=F17 --path=/distro --arch=i386
task started: 2012-10-22_085223_import
task started (id=Media import, time=Mon Oct 22 08:52;23 2012)

cobbler.log shows that the rsync apparently didn't run because the very next command fails. If I copy the rsync command from the log and run it manually, it works just fine every time, and re-running the cobbler import after the manual rsync runs to completion.

What might be causing the rsync within the import command to fail?

Bret Wortman
The Damascus Group
Fairfax, VA