I would like to use a mirror list URL that returns a list of possible sources for repo updates instead of having to specify a single source URL.


Here’s what I do now using the --mirror arg to get this functionality


# Grab the first URL returned from the mirror list

FIRST_URL=`wget 'http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=updates-eleased-f10&arch=i386' -O- 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" | head -n1`

cobbler repo add --clobber --name=fc10-i386-updates --mirror=$FIRST_URL

cobbler reposync --only=”fc10-i386-updates”


This is what I would like to do using the new --mirror-list arg


cobbler repo add --clobber --name=fc10-i386-updates --mirror-list=”http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=updates-eleased-f10&arch=i386”

cobbler reposync --only=”fc10-i386-updates”

cobbler reposync --only=”fc10-i386-updates”     // Each call to reposync updates the .origin/fc10-i386-update.repo file with a potentially new URL

cobbler reposync --only=”fc10-i386-updates”     // Each call to reposync updates the .origin/fc10-i386-update.repo file with a potentially new URL


Can this be done some other way already? If not, could this be added?