On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com> wrote:
Tom Diehl wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Mar 2009, Michael DeHaan wrote:
>> Tom Diehl wrote:
>>> On Tue, 24 Mar 2009, Michael DeHaan wrote:
>>>> Rodrique Heron wrote:
>>>>> Here's the log.
>>>>> 2009-03-23 04:41:19,655 - api - login attempt; user(testing)
>>>>> 2009-03-23 04:41:19,656 - api - authenticate; ['testing', True]
>>>>> 2009-03-23 04:41:19,657 - api - login succeeded; user(testing)
>>>>> 2009-03-23 04:41:19,659 - api - calling authorize for resource
>>>>> ['/cobbler/web/', None, None]; user(testing)
>>>>> 2009-03-23 04:41:19,659 - api - authorization result: True; user(?)
>>>>> 2009-03-23 04:41:20,178 - api - Exception occured: exceptions.RuntimeError
>>>>> 2009-03-23 04:41:20,179 - api - Exception value: maximum recursion
>>>>> depth exceeded in cmp
>>>>> 2009-03-23 04:41:20,196 - api - Exception Info:
>>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/cobbler/remote.py", line 828,
>>>>> in _dispatch
> ...
>>>>> 784, in xmlrpc_hacks
>>>>>     elif type(data) == list:
>>>> Let's see "cat /var/lib/cobbler/config/systems.d/foo" for the system in
>>>> question.
>>>> Is anyone else having problems with viewing systems in the 1.4.3 web
>>>> application?
>>> Yes, I cannot view distros, profiles, systems, repos or images through the
>>> web interface. Things seem to work OK from the command line. If I try to view
>>> kickstarts that works OK.
>>> There does not seem to be anything in /var/log/cobbler/ but please look
>>> https://fedorahosted.org/pipermail/cobbler/2009-March/003475.html and tell me
>>> if I am missing something. I am at a loss. This was working before the upgrade
>>> to 1.4.1. Actually most likely the last version I used was 1.2.9-1. according to
>>> the yum log, yum upgraded to 1.4.0-2 on Jan 17 and then to 1.4.1-1 on Feb 12th
>>> but no one was doing any system builds since before Jan 17. When I saw 1.4.1
>>> was broken, I upgraded to 1.4.3 to see if that would make any difference.
>>> Unfortunately it did not.
>>> If this is a different problem, sorry for the intrusion. I would just like
>>> to get this fixed and I have no idea how to proceed.
>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Regards,
>> If your configuration is broken due to a previous release (Rodrique's
>> configuration somehow is), then an upgrade would not fix it.
>> Just as the case with Rodrique's bug, I would need to see the distro
>> config file you were trying to display at the time to see if there what
>> the problem might be.
>> You might also want to see if this problem is still in 1.6.0 -- if it's
>> not, we don't have to worry about what is wrong with your 1.4.3 install.
> Well I feel stupid!! I went and built 1.6 from the srpm to give that a try
> and just before I typed y on the yum command line I got the brilliant idea
> that I should restart cobblerd and see if that helped. Well that fixed it!
> I thought the upgrade restarted cobblerd but apparently not.
> Sorry for the noise and thanks for the help.
> Regards,

The update calls condrestart, which restarts if it was running -- though
if it wasn't running that would not have helped.

Glad you are working again!


Restart did not fix my problem; therefore I am upgrade to to 1.6.