Hello Everybody 

I am trying to edit a host using the cobbler API however I get the below error :

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Fault returned from XML RPC Server, fault code 1: exceptions.AttributeError:'NoneType' object has no attribute 'remote_methods'
---- snip ----

The script I am using is :

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  1. my $conn = Frontier::Client->new( 'url' => "http://xxxx.xxx.xxx.com/cobbler_api" );
  2. my $token = $conn->call("login","$username","$password");
  3. my $object = $conn->call("get_system_handle","$old_hostname", $token);
  4. print Dumper ($object);
  5. $conn->call("modify_system",$object,"name","$new_hostname",$token);
  6. $conn->call("modify_system",$object, "hostname", "$new_hostname", $token);
  7. $conn->call("save_system",$object, $token);
  8. $conn->call("sync",$token);

---- snip ----

 Now the print statement gives me the following :

$VAR1 = 'system::old_hostname';

Also, I am able to fetch information about the host using " my $system = $booter->call("get_system","$hash{$temp}{'old_hostname'}" );"

and Dumper($system) , gives me the correct information . I wonder why modify system is not working as expected . 
