

Ok I have done this but I now have another problem as a result. When I goto:




I get the following message in both IE and Safari browsers:


Permission Error

You do not have the appropriate permission set to access the requested page. You may have reached this error page in one of several ways:

  1. You are using Konqueror 3.0, which does not handle form variables properly in all cases. Continuing to use Konqueror 3.0 will have unexpected results. If you are using Konqueror 3.0, please use another browser.
  2. Your login session has expired. For security reasons, Red Hat Network terminates your login session after 15 minutes of inactivity. To sign in again, click here.
  3. You've found an error in our site. Please contact your Support representative with details of how you received this message.
  4. Your browser does not have cookies enabled. The Red Hat Network requires cookies in order to function; if you have disabled them, please re-enable them to use the site.
  5. You've done something naughty. Stop it.


This error message is specific to these settings, because when I revert back and then restart cobblerd and httpd it works fine again.


#cat /etc/cobbler/modules.conf



#module = authn_spacewalk

module = authn_configfile



# authorization:

# once a user has been cleared by the WebUI/XMLRPC, what can they do?

# choices:

#    authz_allowall   -- full access for all authneticated users (default)

#    authz_configfile -- determined by /etc/cobbler/users.conf

#    authz_ownership  -- use users.conf, but add object ownership semantics

#    (user supplied)  -- you may write your own module

# WARNING: this is a security setting, do not choose an option blindly.

# If you want to further restrict cobbler with ACLs for various groups,

# pick authz_ownership.  authz_allowall does not support ACLs.  configfile

# does but does not support object ownership which is useful as an additional

# layer of control.


# for more information:








#module = authz_allowall

#module = authz_ownership

module = authz_configfile



Thanks in advance

On 19 Jan 2011, at 16:48, Scott Henson <shenson@redhat.com> wrote:

On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 15:19:59 +0000, Aziz Malik <aziz.malik786@googlemail.com> wrote:

I have already done this, actually it's authn_config according to the document online and I have already done this:

module = authn_configfile

module = authz_ownership

Thanks in advance.

The authn_configfile is to do authentication from the config file.
There is a separate authz_configfile that will do the authorization you
are looking for. The current authz_ownership looks at the owner field on
each object to determine authorization, which is why you are getting
permission denied, I assume.

Scott Henson
Red Hat CIS Operator