Thanks for quick response!

So, if I add the lines below, where does the VLAN1,VLAN2 and VLAN3 labels come from?
 - Are they from a another place in the dhcp-template file?
 - Labels setup per each network interface in Linux?
 - Elsewhere?


On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Greg Chavez <> wrote:
On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Daniel Kertby <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have setup Cobbler to use DHCP and the cobbler itself resides on multiple
> VLANs (over a Bond).
> My intention is to get the ks=http://<server>/cblr/svc.. to point at the
> interface if of the Cobbler server
> for that VLAN.
> When adding a system, --server-override=string can be used but I don't want
> this to be put on the
> cobbler users -- or additional code for fixing that.
> My understanding is that the /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template file can be updated
> to provide the correct
> installation server. Is this correct?

Yes.  Use the --dhcp-tag system parameter to assign different values
to $next_server. For example, let's say you have 3 VLANs.  You could
assign to --dhcp_tag arbitrary values like "VLAN1", "VLAN2", and
"VLAN3".  Then, you could add this Cheetah markup to redefine
$next_server before the :#for dhcp_tag" loop begins:

#if $dhcp_tag == "VLAN1"
 #set global next_server = <vlan1 IP>
#else if $dhcp_tag == "VLAN2"
 #set global next_server = <vlan2 IP>
#else if $dhcp_tag == "VLAN3"
 #set global next_server = <vlan3 IP>
#end if

At least, I assume this should work.   It all depends on whether or
not Cobbler allows you to change its built-in variables.

More information here: and here:

--Greg Chavez
cobbler mailing list