If all you want to do is important CentOS 7.4 to cobbler, then all you need to do is mount the DVD to a directory and cd to it, then:

cobbler import --name "centos_7.4" --path `pwd`

If I remember right, Cobbler import fails silently if you don't give it a name and an import path.

If all you really want is a link, here's one from a mirror at UW:

I didn't see an "ISOs" directory at vault.centos.org under CentOS 7.4 either strangely - I don't know why they do that.  There was one for 7.3.  Maybe they expect if you want the latest version you'll download it from the splash page. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

On Jan 20, 2018 11:03 AM, "Chris Johnson" <rchristopherjohnson@gmail.com> wrote:
Trying to find the complete path for cobbler import of an rsync, or whatever works, for CentOS 7.4 of the x86_64 architecture.  All the mirrors I've tried simply don't have one.  There is no x86_64 subtree.  Does anyone have a complete path specification?  And why isn't it the mirrors?

Thank you.
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